Post Stunt Coordinator / 2nd Unit Director Job – FREE

Are you a Production seeking a Stunt Coordinator and/or 2nd Unit Director? Great! You can find them here. Please fill in the form below and provide as much information as you think is necessary to find exactly who you need. All fields are required.

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Got a question? Get an answer! +1 (424) 291-0903 – [email protected]

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Please double check that the information provided is correct. Personal information will not be displayed in the upcoming "Preview" of the official public listing.
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Please double check that the information provided is correct. Personal information will not be displayed in the upcoming "Preview" of the official public listing.
(e.g. Stunt Double for 35 y.o. Hispanic Actress)
General job location (e.g. Los Angeles) & if job is "Locals Only"
Provide full job description with as much detail as possible (e.g. Stunt Double for major network TV Series, Male Hispanic, 20-30, 5'10" 180 lbs, Mustache a Plus, Motorcycle License and Fights, first episode works 10/15/22 - 10/17/22, Los Angeles, locals only, provide resume/experience, reels and headshots required, may lead to work for the full season).
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